Lyra Purugganan is a multi-disciplinary artist based out of Columbus, Ohio. Pursuing a BFA in printmaking at The Ohio State University, Purugganan utilizes traditional printmaking techniques such as stone lithography, relief, intaglio, and silkscreen to explore cultural identity. Purugganan has been part of scholarship exhibitions at Hopkins Hall gallery and featured in The Lantern.
Having been born in the Philippines, my work explores ethnic identity and criticizes the effects of western colonialism on the Filipino diaspora. I combine printmaking, installation, and fiber art to parallel indigenous and contemporary means of making work. My work contains recurring imagery—water buffalos, nipa huts, snakes, and mountains—that reflect Filipino traditions, beliefs, and folklore. I contrast these recurrent symbols with bright colors, childish textures, and kitsch to reference my upbringing in the United States. The product often turns into something uncomfortable or dissonant, reflecting my complex relationship with the concept of home.